Thursday, February 03, 2005

It's interesting how life goes on, no matter what. I hear people talking about what they're going to wear to a dinner party and I think how nice it must be to worry about things like that. So many out there struggle just to get through the day and wonder if they're going to live to see the next day. People take so much for granted. I don't do that anymore. Little things matter, not big ones - like fresh air, the trees budding, sitting ourside, or getting in the car and going for a ride. I treasure all of that now in a way that I never did before.
I'm not giving up hope. At first I kept saying I was dying of AIDS, but for the past three years, I've said I'm living with AIDS.

Thom, PWA
Let's talk about AIDS.
Do PWA (People With AIDS) deserve our sympathy?
Do you actually know someone living with AIDS?
What would you do if a friend told you they had AIDS?
Do you think you could get AIDS?
Would you touch a person with AIDS, no gloves?
Is AIDS a big problem like Singapore?
Do PWAs have the right to confidentiality?
What if your future spouse tests positive for HIV?
What is your stance on the use of generic drugs for HIV treatment?
Comments and tags welcome.
Hope that you can put some serious thought into these issues.


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